Cheap watch strap spring bar pumps: Danger!
Joshua GrilletToday on the workbench we examine the spring bars, and they are not all equal.
Indeed, the vast majority of pumps for sale on eBay, Amazon or even at the local watchmaker are of very dubious quality and by choosing them you are taking big risks for your watch . Just like the tires on a car, the spring bars are the number 1 safety elements for your timepiece.
How to choose the right spring bar pumps?
There are several characteristics to consider.
- The diameter
Low-cost pumps have a diameter of 1.5 mm. These dimensions are too thin and the risk of breakage due to twisting is significant.
LumeVille recommends a diameter of at least 1.78 mm . You think that's not much more? However, it is much more resistant.
You can find wider ones like the Seiko Diver Fat Spring Bars (2.5mm) but not all bracelets will accept them.
- The materials
Most low-end spring bars are made of galvanized brass, even the internal spring. Resistance to corrosion and torsion? Zero!
On the internet, we also find a lot of "Stainless steel" pumps and there it is a real scam. The body of the bar is made of 304L stainless steel, but the internal spring is simply made of iron while it is the key element. So completely oxidizable.
LumeVille strongly recommends that the entire assembly be made of 316L stainless steel . This is also a marine grade stainless steel. It is an alloy that contains molybdenum, which makes it highly resistant to corrosion (especially chlorine and sea water) and therefore to rust.
Still skeptical?
In the workshop an experiment was conducted.
For just 48 hours , a standard stainless steel spring bar (left) and a LumeVille 316L stainless steel spring bar (right) were immersed in salt water . The salinity is about 4%, like the Mediterranean Sea.
Barely 4 hours later , the standard spring bar is already in the wrong position :
After 22 hours :
After 28 hours :
After 48 hours , the water has evaporated but the result is clear:
LumeVille recommendation:
Install quality spring bars on your quality watches. Don't underestimate these parts, the safety of your favorite item depends on it.
You can find these 316L stainless steel spring bars in different sizes in the store: 18, 19, 20 and 22 mm .
As a watchmaker and watch lover I highly recommend them.
These 316L stainless steel spring bars for a few euros can save you hundreds of euros in repairs .
On ForumAMontres, the opinions of enthusiasts who have purchased these pumps are 100% positive!
We also recommend purchasing our LumeVille strap tool. This tool is a must-have and 100% compatible with our spring bars.
Take care of your watches, they deserve it.
You can find the other blog articles here: Blog
You can also find a selection of vintage watches here: Vintage Watches
Joshua Grillet
Founder of LumeVille and watchmaker
Bonjour Joshua
Il ya que sur Lumeville qu’on trouve un article comme celui là ! Bravo et merci, ça me sera sûrement utile le moment venu.
Cette montre Mayet me fait penser à un truc. Qu’est ce que c’est au juste que incabloc ?
Si un jour tu as le temps/envie de faire un article là dessus, ça m’intéresserait….
Bonjour Jean Luc,
Merci beaucoup !
La montre est une Mayet de ma collection personnelle. Un horloger lyonnais. Le mouvement est un Landeron et elle partage le même boîtier que le chronographe de plongée “Lip Panda”. Elle a reçu 3 étoiles aux tests du CETEHOR de Besançon et à été produite autour des années 70. Voilà tout ce que je sais.
Passez une bonne journée !
Bonjour !! superbe article !! par contre pouvez vous m’en dire plus sur la montre que vous avez utilisez pour cette article
Jean luc